Fall Piano Recital
Saturday, Sep 5, 2020 • 3:00pm PDT
A Virtual Event
This recital will be for all pianists, first-timers or "veteran" performers and everyone in between. For this Fall Piano Recital, you can play music from any genre, typically less than 10 minutes; depending on the number of submittals, we may accept longer pieces, time permitting.
For performers:
The usual performance donation of $20 is waived. Please email Events@AmateurPianists.org with the full name of your piece, composer, length in minutes, and a link to where the recording is saved. YouTube videos are preferred but audio recordings will also be accepted. Deadline for submittals is Sep 3, 2020
For all attendees (including performers):
It is important that you register via this link.
A Zoom invitation will be sent to those registered AT THIS LINK only.
For questions, please email AP@AmateurPianists.org or call 619-746-1987